Alas, we have arrived in paradise! I got here with my group at 6pm yesterday, and after a 2 hour van ride through the island on a "2 way" road (by Dominican standards) filled with hairpin turns and lots of honking, we were very ready for dinner. I was sitting at the edge of my seat the entire time, desperately trying to snag pictures of the setting sun reflecting off of the literally crystal blue ocean, but to no avail! We were whisked along, left in awe of the immense beauty of everything we passed. We arrived at Holy Redeemer just in time to appreciate what was left of the sunset. Looking from the hall outside of my room, I see a luscious green valley and the stretch of the horizon where the sun sets in the afternoon. Waking up to the view this morning was nothing short of invigorating and inspiring...I have never seen such natural beauty in my life! Now we're getting ready to adventure...carpe diem!