Meeting Prime Minister Skerrit: We gathered in the conference room at his office and were invited to ask him questions. He thoroughly answered as he explained the education system and general mindset of Dominica. I am inspired by his care and compassion for his people. He truly wants what is best for them. He also attended New Mexico State University, and a few of us from New Mexico quickly bonded. As we were walking out of the office I asked him if a name sounded familiar, the last name of my aunt's family. He quickly smilied and said, "Oh yes, how do you know them?" I told him they were family and he proceeded to tell me all they had done in Dominica in their short time here. What a small world that the Prime Minister of Dominica remembered my family from New Mexico and then years later, I got to meet him.
At each moment I want to stop and just enjoy the beauty around me