Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Total Sensory Experience...

We were all so excited to get to see more of the island today! And all of my expectations were surpassed. I never saw anything twice, and each time we drove down the same roads there were always new and spectacular sights to greet me. It has been decided. This tiny island is the most beautiful thing my eyes have laid eyes on. Indubitably! As we drove around, we slid open the windows and allowed the breeze to envelope us! The air is so refreshing...As we made our way to Emerald Pool, we passed through many villages filled with people outside enjoying a Sunday off. We were greeted by warm smiles and friendly waves from adults and children alike and even received a few enthusiastic "Welcome to Dominica"s! Everyone seems so sincere. We trekked down to the pool and couldn't help but be amazed by our surroundings. It was a humbling experience to say the least! And the pool? I could go on for a very long time...check it out!