By now we all have made it safely back to the states and are having a bit of time to relax before classes start back up. It was hard to leave such a beautiful island and say goodbye to all the wonderful children at the Alpha Centre, but now I need to use what I learned from the trip in my daily life. So I thought I would share will all of you several things this trip has taught me, besides discovering my new favorite fruit is soursop...
- Welcome others to happiness! All the people I was able to meet during the trip were simply happy. Their bright smiles and welcomes to strangers showed their happiness, and showed that they wanted to share it. They faced struggles in their lives and knew things were not perfect, but they all were so glad to live in Dominica where there is such a strong a community and appreciation for each other. The people of Dominica, from the children at the Alpha Centre, people walking the streets, or the men and women that welcomed us into there homes, always welcomed us with open arms friendly waves and kind "Good Days".
- Appreciate the beauty of life! The first couple days I was busy snapping pictures of anything that caught my eye and I didn't want to forget. The pictures quickly added up because the island is so gorgeous, so I tried to slow down. It wasn't until my camera stopped working that I truly was able to stop and observe the beauty that surrounded me. I was able to just look, not through a camera's lens, and appreciate the flourishing rainforest, the smell of the ocean breeze, and the laughter of the children. I could see, smell, and hear just how beautiful life truly is!
- Strengthen the relationships I am lucky to have. This experience has allowed me to learn so much about others. I learned about Victor's family and passions, I talked to a vendor named Pablo about his life and culture (and he gave us a recipe for bakes, yum!), I was able to meet and know a group of one-of-a-kind students I will never forget, and I created real friendship with my fellow Trinity ASBers. I was able to step outside my comfort zone and talk to people I just met or barely knew and I am so thankful this trip provided that. I quickly learned everyone has a story that is unique and wonderful to learn.
These three points don't describe everything I have learned but I do believe they give a good idea how special and amazing this trip was for me. I want to be able to remember these things and keep them with me as I adjust back to driving on the right side of the paved roads and try to stop converting the price of things from East Caribbean to American dollars. It was an experience I will always remember and as Dominicans would say "Good Night".